“Hello, English” for India!

It was an awakening moment! Guess, what? “Hello, English!” is not so different from “Hello, World!” The seemingly intricate process of learning a language, be it to communicate with machines or humans, largely remain the same. Here’s the review of my favorite learning app. It teaches “English” to people in their local language.

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Data Preparation & ETL in Business Performance

It is no secret that the enterprise world floats in petabytes of volatile data every day. Some of the key challenges faced by the businesses from the perspective of data integration and consolidation are:

  • Diverse data sources, Data Isolation / Data Silos,
  • No single version of the truth due to multiple data sources,
  • Time delay and associated risk.

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‘WorkFlowy’, Just another Productivity App?

As Humans, we, in our parallel processing unit i.e Brain, can keep track of 7 different tasks in our prime time of the day. (Nope, not Amazon Prime!). Well now, don’t think of your Amazon order and make it 8. As the number goes up, it’s more like a thermal nightmare inside. As ‘Thermal Stability’ is a separate topic for discussion, we shall by-pass it here today.

Back to the point,
Every day you would make a #ToDo checklist, only to crush it & get things done irrevocably and be hoping nothing new crops up; that never happens, right!?
The #ToDo list you just made is obsolete even before Breakfast. And it’s time to make version 2.o now. At the end of the day, there could well be 10 checklists with no actual progress on any of the items.

Frustrated yet? Don’t be.

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