
Dear Reader, Realisation’z is a series of quotes/statements that had an impact on me — [Some] are mine while “many” are others. I will be adding a new one every few days, just below this in bottom-up fashion, meaning – you can catch the recent ones on top.


  • “The next big thing starts like a toy.”


  • “Whatever level you reach, getting better never stops.”


  • You have to know the manual process of doing something before you can automate it. I rephrase, you need to know HOW to manually do something before you even think about automating it.


  • “If getting a chance, take it.
    Our life improves only when we take chances. The first and most difficult risk that we can take is, to be honest with ourselves.”


  • What do we need to teach children?
    Culture, Values, Ethics, Jugaad, & Craftsmanship.


  • “The past is a place of reference, not of residence; your focus now determines your reality next.”


  • The immediate goal of marketing?
    To reach a point where your brand needs no intro. People celebrate you when you build with all your love and care. And for care, still years after shipping. That’s when they feel they owe you not just money but respect and time. Values and pure craftsmanship earns all three.


  • “Live life as though nobody’s watching; Express yourself as though everybody’s listening.”


  • “Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”


  • “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?”
    We think wealth is all money. In reality, wealth is everything just about enough that doesn’t let happiness slip away. Wealth is a variable (also a catalyst/constraint for an idealist) in the happiness equation. And what is the main variable in this happiness equation? Passion. The more passionate you’re with what you do this moment, the more you solve for happiness now. LHS=RHS; Hence proved.


  • “When you make a commitment, you build hope. When you keep it, you build trust.”


  • Silence makes the loudest intelligible Sound.
    In context, silence is not the absence of sound and solitude is not physical seclusion in a cave or a forest or at mountain tops. It is the ability to be at the centre of things, free of the turbulence of thoughts, and the consciousness of the mind. Silence and happiness are universally available to all, for free, at all times.
    “No place is quieter than one’s soul. Such a place learns and teaches spontaneously.”


  • To whom and when to say – “Never lose hope.”
    There’s a point in time when not knowing your purpose was enough motivation. Also, you arrive in time knowing there cannot be one. You say to yourself; never lose hope.


  • “As long as I live, so long do I learn.”
    “So long after you’re gone, help others learn in silence.”


  • “Life is too short to become good at one thing.”


  • “Fail early, fail often, fail forward. Live at the edge of your capabilities. Live where you’re almost certain you will fail. Real growth happens in unfavorable conditions.”

    A classic Muhammad Ali quote. “How many push-ups I do? I don’t know. I start counting only after it hurts.”

  • Like how programming is to machines, writing is to humans, only this isn’t binary.


  • “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
    #took Aristotle himself 15 words to Practise.
    #Thou art that.


  • “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”


  • What is Flow State?

    When you are involved in something to a point where you simply don’t feel time anymore, and even forget that you are happy floating in a state of bliss while at it, that my friend, is Flow State.

    This flow is the un-egoistic state of your mind.


  • There are people who grind while others rest. There are people who learn when they party. There are people who live moment by moment while they dream. We call them Designers and Artists in the broadest sense.


  • “Humans who choose to work on a Friday evening have no life!”

    “There may be a few wise ones who probably need no work-life balance with a blurred line as that. Work, Career, and Personal ambitions are one, for they overlap each other, allowing seamless transition at all times. Friday evening is still time.”


  • “An investment of your time in gaining knowledge and values pays the best interest.”


  • Time has always been an enigmatic entity which is why we are forced to measure it every now-and-then when in reality it never existed before, nor after, but only Now, that too, in relativity.


  • “Love enough to let go.”


  • If you find people around you, who will miss you when you cease to exist, they are the ones to be prioritized in your life. Culture yourself to become *missable* after your departure through your actions now.

    1. Applies to individuals to value the right ones from their family and friends.
    2. Applies to enterprises to value the right ones from their employee and customer base.
    3. And the right ones are to be judged by their action, not motivation.


  • “The system that preserves the most freedom of action for people is the best system, for you cannot judge individuals by their motivation but only through their actions.”


  • Stay humble | Stay Curious


  • “Resist the temptation to announce your Goals. Delay the gratification that the social acknowledgment brings, and understand that your mind mistakes the Talking for Doing.”


  • Commit to yourself…
    …to be a strong Woman and trust the Girl in you.
    …to be a confident Man and trust the Boy in you.


  • “Today” is the Magical Day.
    “N O W ” is the Miracle Moment.


  • “Not Everyone Who Wander are Lost.”


  • “Dreaming of the person you want to be is also wasting the person you already Are.”


  • You know you are an Entrepreneur when practically everyone you come across see you as a potential competitor.


  • “Fail early; Fail often; Fail forward. Live at the edge of your capabilities. Live where you’re almost certain you will fail. Real growth happens in extreme unfavourable conditions.”


  • People wouldn’t fall for short-term gratifications OR go out seeking mystics to become blind-followers if they weren’t stressed out on Sundays about their Mondays.


  • “Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.”


  • When you try to understand the other person, what do you do? Observe or Listen. Same with your body and mind. They are two separate entities connected to you at a fundamental level, which is why we mistake them to be i. Take a step back and listen to them in silence. When they fade out, you will realise they aren’t you.


  • I think the time taken for birth of a thought exceeds speed of light. And this exceeding limit varies proportionally from person to person.


  • Two fundas to understand from the Past
    “Unless you laugh at it, there’s no growth of maturity in you.”
    “Unless you laugh at it, you haven’t made good memories through.”


  • “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”


  • “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”


  • “You know, we all gonna die someday. .”
    “Yes, but on all the other days we won’t.”


  • Sum of all Experimentations in Lifetime equals Life Experience.